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Trying to Conceive III
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Source : Pinterest Hi! Setelah sekian lama akhirnya aku berniat menulis lagi soal TTC ku. Mungkin bagi yang belum tahu riwayatku sebelumnya, bisa cek di post Trying to Conceive I dan II untuk detail sebelumnya. Jadi... dulu aku sempat didiagnosa PCOS, dan telah melakukan pengobatan selama 6 bulan. Karena satu dan lain hal akhirnya aku dan suami memutuskan istirahat sejenak dan menikmati kehidupan sesantai mungkin. Source : Pinterest 4 bulan kemudian, waktu menstruasi hari pertama, aku merasakan sakit yang luar biasa, rasanya seperti ditusuk-tusuk, sampai tidak bisa berjalan tegak dan tidak bisa turun tangga. Akhirnya setelah menstruasi selesai, aku memberanikan diri periksa ke dokter lagi. Kali ini kami mencoba dr. Ari Sutanto, SPog, K (Fer) di RS Telogorejo Semarang. Dan dari hasil pemeriksaan ditemukan ada kista di dalam indung telur kanan, dicurigai kista coklat (endometriosis). Kista ini ditemukan dengan diameter 3cm. Pantas saja sakit sekali waktu menstruasi. Hiks. Awal tahu,...
Dream Big and Make it Happen
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Hi guys!! First of all, i have to say Happy New Year for all of you eventhough this is almost the end of January. I might be a lazy blogger because I have a purpose that I have to reach. LOL I am in my own journey to reach my dream as a fashion designer. Actually, I have finished my school at LPTB Susan Budihardjo Semarang. Why not in Jakarta? Because for many reason, I had to left Jakarta and starting new life again in my home town, Semarang with my husband. So, I tried to pursue my dream from childhood, being a fashion designer. And recently, I've finished it and have started my own business from a year ago. Yieay, I smell that my dream almost comes true. Here it is my portofolio at my annual show last November 2017. This collection inspired by the midpoint of Japanese culture from the modern side and the old one. Also check :
What's Hype in Bali : Panama Kitchen & Pool
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Hi ! Back again with me in Lifestyle & Travel Section. For you who already travel to Bali (or not yet but you want to soon and still searching the hype cafe in town), yes, you may heard PANAMA Kitchen & Pool. Sooo, actually I've visited this place for months ago, but I'm trying to blog it even if it's too late (i think?). Panama Kitchen & Pool is located in Canggu, near Finn's Beach Club. This is a little cafe with cozy place and situation. You'll find a pool here, of course it's Bali. This place open at 8 AM, and when you came here at this early, they'll serve you a brunch menu. I can't remember the amount, but they have term & condition when you came here. They have a minimum payment for each person approximately IDR 120K-150K (correct me if I'm wrong, I almost forgot). i forgot about the name, but it's delicious. it's tuna :) and this place is soooo instagrammable. You can take a photograph everywh...
New Alert Trend : Oversized Denim Jacket
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Hi ! Back again with me in Fashion section. I'm still loving playing with casual look right now, so I found one of must have outfit, yes, it's an oversized denim jacket. Actually I've found it when I'm in Bali and I relieve that I bought it. Because it's really useful for every occasion (except for wedding reception and party LOL). So, what do you think? Wear this oversized denim jacket with something casual like t-shirt and sneakers. From head to toe : Hijab Pashmina : hijup Oversized denim jacket : Pull & Bear T-shirt : found in Bangkok Pants : Stradivarius Sneakers : Adidas Reach my instagram aaccount @indripurwandari for an...
Trying To Conceive II _ Infertile Status
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Welcome back ! Perjalanan Trying to Conceive kami dimulai dengan pemeriksaan ke obgyn . Kami mencoba dokter di RS Hermina Banyumanik Semarang, beliau memberi diagnosa saya terkena erosi serviks dan PCOS ( Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ). Awalnya bingung karena namanya masih sangat asing untuk saya. Erosi serviks ini sendiri seperti sariawan pada mulut rahim dan dianggap dapat menghambat proses kehamilan. Sedangkan PCOS adalah gangguan keseimbangan kadar hormonal. Pada waktu itu saya melakukan pemeriksaan ke obgyn pada hari ke 12 setelah menstruasi dan ternyata pada saat dilakukan usg transvaginal oleh dokter, terlihat sel telur pada indung telur banyak namun dengan diameter kecil. Diasumsikan tidak terjadi ovulasi atau mungkin dalam 1 tahun ovulasi hanya beberapa kali saja. Memang ada beberapa tanda-tanda PCOS yang terlihat, contohnya siklus menstruasi yang tidak teratur. Sejak dulu saya sudah rajin ke obgyn karena siklus menstruasi saya berantakan, bahkan sa...